For the past few weeks I have been taking a Rn Re-entry
or Nurse refresher class. I have not worked in a hospital
since 1992. I never let my nursing license lapse but most
hospitals will not talk with me about a job because I do
not have recent experience. I am taking the class at the
Medical Center of Central Georgia in Macon. It is a large
600 bed teaching hospital. The medical and nursing students
from Mercer come there to train. First I had to do classroom
and computer training. I took health care provider CPR
yesterday. I made a 100 on the test! Now I am in the middle
of clinical training. That includes 160 hours of me working
at the hospital with a preceptor. I have already worked 58
hours. I should be done in about 3 more weeks.
Maybe you are wondering about our ministry. Yes, our desire
is to continue with North American Mission Board. We love
what we do working with refugees and immigrants. Things in
ministry are especially hard right now financially. My
husband Mark has been working 2 jobs for the last 11 months.
Our support is way down. People can't afford to give
because of the economic situation in our country. So we had
to do something so we can eat and pay our bills. I am planning
on doing both jobs. MY HEART AND PASSION IS MISSIONS! I do
believe that God has a reason for allowing me to be in this place.
I have to take care of my family too! Please pray for us as Mark
and I are both so very busy.
We have had so many great days recently at the apartment.
There are so many families who want to participate in our
programs. We have a great need for volunteers to help us.
The children are precious. We can make a difference in whether
these precious people are told about Jesus and what He did for
them on the cross. In fact I would not trade any of my "mission"
experiences for all the money in the world.
"That All Peoples May Know Him"