Yesterday, between church and Passion Play practice, I went to check on a expectant Mom in Chamblee. She had a good week. She is getting tired as her due date draws near. I got to talk with her Mom and sister. We talked about the baby items that are still needed. I will try and pick up most of the items this week. Her Mom didn't get to come to the baby shower last week but she expressed her gratefulness and said, "I will never forget what has been done for us."
Tonight, Mark and I went back to Chamblee so I could teach English. I had a wonderful time teaching with the Mom while Mark played basketball outside with the son. We had tea and Pa-esh(a sweet milk and sugar type cold pudding). It was Kuh Balo- very good. At the end we got into a serious discussion. Mom really needs a job. They have many family members here in Atlanta and only her husband and nephew have jobs. It is a very difficult time here for everyone with the economy. Every week I see many refugees and immigrants who desperately need jobs. I wish I had an easy answer for them. There is no food and they are hungry. Many don't run their heat and they are cold. They are away from family and friends and they are lonely.
Tonight she said that she prays to Allah. I told her that I am a Christian and that I pray also. I told her that I would pray for her.
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